Select a name to view documents pertaining to that person:
Abraham | Abram | Abram of Chilhowee | Adams, John | Akonoluchta, the Cabin | Alexander I, Emperor of Russia | Altahkullakulla | Ama'sgosi'te | Amokontakona, Kutcloa | Amoyah | Anderson | Anighosharvand | Anna Ke Hu Jah | Annakehujah | Annecekah | Anthony, John | Armstrong, Robert | Armstrong, William | Arnold, Benedict | Arrowsmith, Aaron | Atta Kulla Kulla | Attusah | Avery, Waightstill | Bache | Bankson, Benjamin, jr. | Barton, Benjamin Smith | Beard, Adam | Beaver | Beckley, John | Bernardo, Marquis del Campo y Perez de la Serna | Beverly, William | Black, William | Blair, John | Bland, Richard | Bland, Theodrick | Bledoe, Isaac | Bledsoe | Bledsoe, Abraham | Bledsoe, Abram | Bledsoe, Anthony | Bledsoe, Isaac | Blount, William | Bollman | Botetourt, Norborne Berkeley, Baron de | Bowles, William Augustus | Breckinridge, Joseph | Brent, William | Broughton, William | Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc, comte de | Bunt | Burr, Aaron | Burton | Burwell, Carter | Burwell, Robert | Bushnell, David | Byrd, William | Callaway, Richard | Callender, James | Calloway, William | Camden, Billy | Cameron, Alexander | Campbell, Arthur | Campbell, Michael | Carmack, Cornelius | Carmichael, William | Carr, Peter | Carter, Charles | Carter, Robert | Carvin | Cary, Archibald | Catherine II, Empress of Russia | Caxhayion | Charles IV, King of Spain | Chastellux, Francçois Jean, marquis de | Cheanoka of Kawetakac | Chenughiata | Cherokee Chiefs and Warriors | Chescoonwho (Bird in Close of Tomotlug) | Cheseago | Chesecotetona (Yellow Bird of the Pine Log) | Chesetoa (the Rabbit of Tlacoa) | Chew, Colby | Chief of the Six Nations | Chiefs and Sachems of the Delaware | Chiefs and Sachems of the Mingoes of Ohio | Chiefs and Sachems of the Shawnee | Chiefs and Sachems of the Six Nations | Chiefs and Warriors of the Cherokee | Chiefs of the Cherokee | Chiefs of the Six Nations | Chinista | Chinista Watoga | Chinistoe | Chipman, Nathaniel | Chiswell, John | Chokasatahe, Chickasaw Killer Tasonta | Chonosta of Cowe | Choteau, Jean Pierre | Chukamuctas | Claiborne, Richard | Claiborne, William C. C. | Clark, Daniel | Clark, Daniel, Jr. | Clark, George Rogers | Clark, William | Colonah | Conanennah | Conaquieso | Conasatego | Conasatugo | Conasetego | Conner, John | Connor, John | Conongariera | Cooley, Arthur | Cooper, Thomas | Corbin, Richard | Cotchatoy | Cowan, Johnathan | Cownsagret | Coxe, Daniel | Coxe, Tench | Craig | Cresap, Michael | Croghan, George | Currie, James | d'Anville, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon | D.M.R. | Dayton, Jonathan | de Jaudenes, Josef | de Viar, Josef Ignacio | Dearborn, Henry | Delambre, Jean Baptiste | Delassus, Charles Dehault | Delisle, Guillaume | Dickinson, John | Dickson, William | Digges, Dudley | Digges, William | Dinwiddie, Robert | Donelson, John | Dorchester, Guy Carleton, Baron | Downshire, Wills Hill, Marquis of | Drew, William | Dunbar, William | Dunkards | Dupont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel | Dupont de Nemours, Rene Samuel | Duprès, James | Duralde, Martin | Dysart, James | Eaton, Amos | Ecuij | Ecuy | Eghnisara | Ellicott, Andrew | English, Charles | English, William | Enguisara | Evans, Nicholas | Fielder | Findley, James | Finley, John | Fleming, John | Floyd, John (?) | Fontenot, Alexander | Fontenot, Louis | Franklin, Benjamin | Franklin, William | Frazier, Daniel | Frohock, John | Fry, Joshua | Fuselier | Gallatin, Albert | Gardoqui, Diego de | Garnet, Edwin | Garnett, John | Gashraddodon | Gayoso de Lemos, Manuel | Gérard de Rayneval, Conrad Alexandre | Gérard de Rayneval, Joseph Mathias | Gillespie, David | Gist, Christopher | Gist, Nathaniel | Goforth, William | Gostrax | Gray, Robert | Gregg, Thomas | Grimon, Baron de | Grymes, Philip | Guess, David | Guglielmini, Domenico | Guthrie | Half King | Hamilton | Hand, Edward | Hanging Man | Hansborough, Smith | Hardin, (Joseph ?) | Hardy, Samuel | Harrison, Benjamin | Harrison, William | Harvie, John | Harvie, Lewis | Hawkins, Benjamin | Hays, Charles | Hays, Hugh | Hazzard, W | Head-Men and Warriors of all the Cherokees | Hector, Francisco Luis, Baron de Carondelet | Henderson, Richard | Henry, Patrick | Hopkinson, Francis | Hughs, John | Humphreys, David | Humphry, Col | Hunt, Thomas | Hunter, George | Hunter, William | Hurasaly-akon | Hutchins, Thomas | Indian | Innes, Harry | Innes, Henry | Irwine, General | Ivernois, Francois | Jay, John | Jefferson, Peter | Jefferson, Thomas | Jemyson | Jenkins, Jonathan | Jennings, Edmund | John of Little Tallico | Johnson, William | Johnston, Andrew | Johnston, Walker | Joneehat | Jones, Thomas | Joplin, Thomas | José Moñino, Conde de Florida Blanca | Juds Friend | Ka Ta Quilla | Kaheatoy | Kakawatcheky | Kataquilla | Keukuck, Talcoa | Keys, John | Killen | King of the Shawnese | King, Nicholas | King, Ross | Kinkennon, Andrew | Kinnatitah | Kite, Abraham | Kittagusta | Knox, Henry | Koatohee (Corn Tassel of Toquo) | Kolakusta (Prince of Noth) | Konatota (the Rising Fawn of Highwassay) | Kostayeak (Sharp Fellow Wataga) | Kowetatahee in Frog Town | La Cépède, M. le comte de (Bernard Germain Etienne de La Ville sur Illon) | La Londe | Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de | LaFleur, James | Lanier, Robert | Lattimore, William | Lawless, Henry | Ledyard, John | Lee, Arthur | Lee, Arthur | Lee, Henry | Lee, Richard H. | Lee, Thomas | Legras | Lemon, Robert | Lewis, Andrew | Lewis, David | Lewis, Meriwether | Lewis, Thomas | Lincoln, Levi | Lintot | Little Carpenter | Livingston, Robert R. | Logan, Benjamin (?) | Logan, James | Lomax, Lunsford | Loony, John | Louis XVI, King of France | Ludwell, Phillip | M'Clelland | Mackenzie, Alexander | Mackenzie, Andrew | MacRea, William | Madison, James | Mankiller of Chote | Mankiller of Hiawassee | Mansker, Kasper | Marbois, Francois | Mariotte, Edme | Martin, Brice | Martin, Joseph | Mason, George | Masten, Thomas | Matthews, Colonel | McCall, James | McIntosh, Lachlan | Michaux, Andre | Michie, James | Miró, Estevan | Mitchell, John | Monroe, Elizabeth | Monroe, James | Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, baron de | Montmorin de Saint-Herem, Armand-Marc, Comte de | Montmorin-Saint-Hérem, Armand-Marc, comte de | Montour, Andrew | Moreau, (widow) | Morris, Gouverneur | Moultrie, William | Munoz, Manuel | Napoleon I, Emperor of France | Napoleon I, Emperor of the French | Necatee of Sawta | Neerohanyah | Nelson, Thomas | Nelson, William | Nerat | Newota (the Gritzs of Chicamaga) | Nicholas, Robert Carter | Nolan, Philip | Nolan, Phillip | O'Hara | Ocoghquah | Oconastota | Oconostota | Ogilvy, William | Old Tassel | Onanoota of Koosoate | Onishudagua | Onondago Council | Onothkallydaroy | Ookoo nekah | Ookoonekah | Ookoseta (Sower Mush of Kooloque) | Ooskuah | Ooskwha (Abraham of Chilkowa) | Ootosseteh | Osborne, Francis Godolphin, Duke of Leeds | Otacite of Quaratrie | Owen, John | Page, John | Paine, Thomas | Palmer, Robert | Parsons, Samuel | Patterson, Robert | Patton, James | Peale, Charles Willson | Pearce, Jerry | Pendleton, Edmund | Peters, Richard | Philips, William | Pichon, Louis André, baron | Pickens, Andrew | Pickens, Andrew | Pigeon | Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth | Pinckney, Thomas | Pittman, William (?) | Pollock, Oliver | Pot Clay | Powell, Ambrose | Power, James | Preston, William | Price | Price, Thomas | Priestly, Joseph | Quee Lee Kah | Queeleekah | Queen Aliquippa | Quesada, Juan Nepomuceno de | Randolph, Edmund | Randolph, Peter | Raven of Newcassie | Raven of Tugaloo | Reed, John | Rees | Reid, James R. | Remsen, Henry, jr. | Riedesel, Friedrich Adolf, Freiherr von | Riland, Lewis | Rittenhouse, David | Robins, James | Robinson, James | Robinson, John | Rogers | Rogers, John | Roiirrawarkto | Rollowch | Rose, Robert | Ross, David | Rowamhohiso | Rumsey, James | Rush, Benjamin | Rutherford, John | Rutherford, Thomas | Saliey | Saquihsonyunt | Scholauetta (Hanging Man of Chota) | Seagrove, James | Sears, Jeremiah | Sears, Jerry | Seayenties | See, Arthur | Sesquaressura | Shannon, William | Sharp | Sharpe | Sharpe, William | Shaw | Shelby, Evan | Shelby, Evan, Jr. | Shingas | Shirketiney | Short, William | Skaliloske | Ske Ahtu Ka | Skelelak | Sketaloska, Second Man of Tillico | Slaughter | Smith | Smith, Daniel | Smith, Frederick | Smith, John | Smith, Samuel H. | Smith, W. | Smith, William Bailey | Springstone | St. Clair, Arthur | St. Marie, Joseph | Stalnaker, Samuel | Steptoe, James | Steward, David | Stiles, Ezra | Stone | Stuart, Archibald | Stuart, John | Sunne Wauh | Swimmer | Symmes, John C. | Tabb, Thomas | Tachanoontia | Tarrapin | Tatliusta (Porpoise of Tilassi) | Taylor, John | Taylor, Samuel | Tegaya | Terrell, Obediah | Teston, John | Teutchkee | Teyanhasire | the Beaver | The Chestnut | The Chiefs of the Delaware Indians | The Girl | The Great Hawk | The Mankiller of Hiwassee | The Northward Warrior | The Raven | The Raven from the mouth of Tellies River | The Terrapin | The White Owl | Thompson, Sir Benjamin, Count Rumford | Thomson, Charles | Thonariss | Thonorison | Tiftoe | Tiftoy | Tilghman, James | Tillehaweh | Tiorkaasoy | Togrondoaro | Tomlinson, William | Toostaka (the Waker of Oostanawa) | Toostooh | Torachdadon | Toshashwaroiororow | Trist, Elizabeth House | Trist, Hore Browse | Trist, Nicholas Phillip | Trudeau, Jean Baptiste | Trumbull, Johnathan | Truteau, Jean Baptiste | Tuckasee | Tuckasee (Terrapin of Hightowa) | Tuckasee (Young Terrapin of Allajoy) | Tuckassie Keowee | Tulatiska of Chaway | Tulco (Tom of Chatuga) | Turner, Edward | Tus Ka Sah | Tuskegatahu (Long Fellow of Chistohoe) | Uka Youla | Umatooetha, the Water Hunter Choikamawga | Unsuokanail (Buffalo White Calf New Cussee) | Untoola (Gun Rod of Seteco) | Usteneca | Usteneka | Vancouver, George | Vann, Joseph | Varignon, Pierre | Wales, Samuel | Walker, Baylor | Walker, Francis (?) | Walker, Peter (Don Juan Pedro) | Walker, Thomas | Waller, Benjamin | Walton, Jess | Warrior of Cowie | Washington, George | Washington, Geroge | Watkins, John | Watsatuha | Welches, Nicholas | West, Cato | West, William | Wieser, Conrad | Wilkinson, Edward | Wilkinson, James | Will of Akoha | Willanawaw | Willard, Joseph | Willenewah | Williams, John | Williams, Jonathan | Willoughby, Andrew (?) | Wilson, Lieutenant | Winston, Joseph | Wistar, Caspar | Wister, Caspar | Wolf of Keowee | Womack, Jacob | Wooaluka, the Waylayer, Chota | Wood, James | Worthington, Edward | Wyuka of Lookout Mountain | Young, William |