Envisaging the West: Thomas Jefferson and the Roots of Lewis and Clark


Treaty of Lancaster

Treaty of Lancaster
Virginia Magazine of History and Biography
Leaders of the Six Nations sign a treaty ceding territory in the colony of Virginia to King George II. Rather than including the entire body of the treaty, the text on this site has been limited to those decisions which affected Virginia's boundaries

July 2, 1744

To all people to whom these presents shall come Conasatugo, Tachanoontia, Joneehat, Caxhayion, Torachdadon, Neerohanyah, and Roiirrawarkto, Sachims or Chiefs of ye Nation of the Onondagoes, Saquihsonyunt, Gashraddodon, Hurasaly-akon, Rowamhohiso, Ocoghquah, Seayenties, Sachims or Chiefs of ye nation of ye Cahugas, Cwadamy alies Shirketiney, Onishudagua, Onothkallydaroy, alias Watsatuha, Toshashwaroiororow, Anighosharvand Tiorkaasoy, Sachims or Chiefs of ye nation of the Senekers send greeting

Whereas the Six united Nations of Indians laying Claim to some Lands in the Colony of Virginia signified their willingness to enter into a treaty concerning the Same-- Whereupon Thomas Lee, Esq., a Member in Ordinary of his Majesty's honourable Council of State and one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Judicature in that Colony and William Beverly, Esq., Colonel and County Lieutenant of the County of Orange and one of the representatives of the people in the House of Burgesses of that Colony were deputed by the Governor of the said Colony as Commissioners to treat with the said Six Nations or their Deputies Sachims or Chiefs, as well of and concerning their said Claim, as to renew their Covenant Chain between the said Colony and the said Six Nations, and the said Commisioners having met at Lancaster in Lancaster County and province of Pennsylvania and as afoundation for a stricter Amity and peace at this juncture, agreed with the said Sachims or Chiefs of the said Six Nations for a Disclaimer and Renunciation of all their Claim or pretence of Right whatsoever of the said six nations and an acknowledgement of the Right of our Sovereign the King of Great Britain to all the Land in the said Colony of Virginia.

Now know ye that for and in consideration of the Sum of four hundred pounds Current money of Pennsylvania, paid and delivered to the above named Sachims or Chiefs partly in Goods & partly in Gold Money by the said Commissioners, they the said Sachims or Chiefs on behalf of the said Six Nations Do hereby renounce and disclaim not only all the Right of the said Six Nations but also recognize and acknowledge the Right and Title of our Sovereign the King of Great Britain to all the Land within the said the said Colony as it is now or hereafter may be peopled and bounded by his said Majesty our Sovereign Lord the King his Heirs and on behalf of the people of the Six Nations aforesaid have hereunto set their hands & Seals this Second day of July in the 18th year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second King of Great Britain and in the year of our Lord 1744

Signed by all the people names Chiefs Signed Seald and Delivered in the presence of EDM'D JENNINGS.

At a General Court held at the Capitol Oct. 25th, 1744, This Deed Poll was proved by ye Oaths of Edm'd Jennings, Esq., Phillip Ludwell, Esq. and Wlliam Black, three witnesses thereto and by the Court ordered to be recorded.