Envisaging the West: Thomas Jefferson and the Roots of Lewis and Clark


Map of the Missouri

Mapmaker, George Henri Victor Collot and P.F. Tardieu, 1796

"Map of the Missouri; of the higher parts of the Mississippi; and of the elevated Plain, where the Waters divide, which run, Eastward into the River St. Lawrence; North East into Hudson's Bay; North North West into the Frozen Sea; and South into the Gulf of Mexico. To which is added Mackenzie's track in 1789. Paris, 1796. In, George Henri Victor Collott, America, containing a Survey of the Countries watered by the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, and other Affluing Rivers; with Exact Observations on the Course and Soundings of these Rivers; and on the Towns, Villages, Hamlets, and Farms of that Part of the New World; followed by Philosophical, Political, Military and Commercial Remarks, and by a Projected Line of Frontiers and General Limits. Illustrated by an Atlas of 36 Maps, etc. By Gen. V. Callot, late in the French Service, and Governor of Guadeloupe. 1805, 1826.

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